I get to visit Mexico every winter and I look forward to morning swims in the Sea of Cortez. I only swam once this winter. I was tormented by some invisible sea creatures that left painful welts all over my arms and torso. Other obstacles arose—big surf, early wind, cold temperatures. The barriers piled up.
Read MoreSpring is just around the corner and I’m looking forward to celebrating the paperback release of CROW TALK with events around the West.
Read MoreWhen the new year begins, I always find myself wishing for an extra month. Wouldn’t it be great to have a full month between December and January? But there’s no such thing. Now 2025 continues to hurtle by with hardship everywhere—wildfires, wars, and in our nation’s capital, a pending transition that has the world on edge.
Read MoreThere are specific endings in these waning days of the year—a first draft, my early fifties, and the conclusion of various chapters in my life. I’m in the middle of other things—puppydom most prominently.
Read MoreMy new book has official fledged into the world and is (hopefully) flying into the hands of readers. If your book club is reading Crow Talk and you'd like me to pop in, drop me a line.
Read MoreMark your calendars for April 30 from 6 p.m. to p.m. at The Ruins in Hood River.
Read MoreI’m thrilled to be doing an in-person book tour for Crow Talk this spring. Hope you can join me at one of these events in conversation with wonderful authors and supported by fabulous indie booksellers.
Read MoreI struggled with change as a child and continued to do so as an adult—moving, new jobs, saying goodbye to friends. Not to mention the ultimate goodbyes—the death of loved ones, human and other.
Read MorePre-order Crow Talk for the holiday season and Waucoma Bookstore will print you a certificate to give to your loved one this holiday season to let them know it is on the way.
Read MoreCROW TALK is now available for pre-order wherever you buy books. For a signed, personalized copy, order from my terrific independent bookseller Waucoma Books.
Read MoreThe Hood River County Library’s official book club welcomes author Eileen Garvin on October 11 to discuss her best-selling novel The Music of Bees.
Read MoreI’m absolutely thrilled to share news about my new novel, Crow Talk, which will be published by Dutton in the spring of 2024.
Read MoreIn her book Animals Make Us Human, Temple Grandin refers to the scientific theory of core emotions to explain how dogs operate. This system is made up of four so-called “blue ribbon emotions” — seeking, panic, fear, and rage.
Read MoreStarting a new project does not make me feel calm. It makes me feel like I’m on the edge of the pool trying to work up the nerve to jump in. This is the worst moment because I know I’m going to flail epically. I will feel like I’m swimming across an Olympic-sized pool full of porridge.
Read MoreIt’s hard to know what to do with the larger traumas and tragedies. That not-knowing is another difficult in-between time. I find relief in my own homey routines, like feeding the animals and humans I love.
Read MoreAs I’ve struggled to get into a new writing groove, I’ve been thinking of getting back to the basics.
Read MoreChristmas in my childhood home was always about books.
Read MoreHere’s my most recent blog post—all about chickens and eggs and writing to remember.
Read MoreIt’s fall, which means back to school time, even for me. I love this time of year, which reminds me of my own school days and my brief time as a teacher. (Saint Teresa Elementary students in the village of Leon: I’ll love you forever.)
Read MoreI’m thrilled to be sharing the Zoom stage with three fantastic authors at Oblong Books on September 14, when Jackie Polzin, Sy Montgomery, and I will be in conversation with Florence Williams.
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